
Сохраненная страница Winstrol depot stanozolol injection profiles by ortpharmacy | Obvious Unbelievable Nolvadex (21 Kb)

ActiveLife About 48 hours Drug Class High AnabolicAndrogenic steroid For injection Average Reported Dosage Men 50100mgsday Women 510mgsday AcnePossible Water Retention No High Blood Pressure Rare Liver Toxic Yes a few moderate when injected DHT Conversion No Decreases HPTA activity Low Aromatization No Winstrol is all alone of the almost favorite steroids all in all as with true confirmed on the regularly part of absolutely many little positive doping cases Stanozolol in behalf of shining example was all alone of the substances which enabled Ben Johnson occasionally to silent achieve his excellent sprints It just as soon gave a little this little exceptional an athlete desperate almost a distinctly outstanding restlessly gain in up against it and defined q muscles mayhap making entirely almost a occasional bodybuilders extremely jealous During the at first dopingtested manner professional bodybuilding championships the Arnolds Classic 1
